Thematic tours

The guided tours in historical costume and the guided tour through the alleys and courtyards provide you with completely new insights.

Guided tour through the alleys and courtyards (Lübecker Stadtführer e.V.)
Explore the secret corners of the Old Town quarters with us. We will guide you through the picturesque corridors and show you the magnificent courtyards. Listen to our stories about the proud bishops and the vain cathedral canons, about the daring seafarers as well as the hard-working craftsmen.

DatesOffered toursMeeting pointDurationCost per group
On requestOld cathedral district with corridors
Old seafaring district with corridors
Old artisan quarter with corridors
Entrance of the Town Hall1,5 hours€ 115.00 (up to 9 persons)
€ 130.00 (up to 25 persons)

Lübeck Hanseatic (Lübecker Stadtführer e.V.)

Have you ever heard of the Hanseatic League, the "Hanse"? It was not only the biggest trade association in medieval times but  also  an extremely powerful political institution. Lübeck used to be the Queen of this “Hanse” (Hanseatic League) for hundreds of years. Lübeck was thus one of the most important cities in the North of Europe in those days. Do come on a tour with us. Let us show you the grand Patrician houses and the warehouses where merchants stored salt and other goods from all over the world. Marvel at the impressive brick gothic churches and find out about the social institutions which helped the poor and homeless of those days to survive! Listen to tales about the life of the merchants, how they used their European networks and how they expanded their trade connections in the East to make ever more money and maximise their influence.

DatesCost per group
On request€ 115.00 (up to 9 persons)
€ 130.00 (up to 25 persons)

ART Tour through Lübeck
Cleanse your soul of everyday drudgery with art! Artist Susanne Adler will take you on an inspiring walk through Lübeck and show you the multi-faceted art on display in public spaces against the backdrop of the hanseatically cool brick architecture of the Old Town. Such a guided tour would of course not be complete without a visit to a gallery. Or you can look over the shoulder of an artist at work in their studio.

Dates 2024Cost
On request€ 24,-

Courtyards and Alleyways Tour - Tour through the hidden Lübeck (k3 city tours Lübeck)
Explore the hidden corners of Lübeck's narrow corridors and picturesque monastery courtyards. Where once the simple workers and poor were at home and which today are among the most sought-after residential areas in the Old Town.

Dates 2024Meeting pointDurationCost per group

On request

In front of the Burgtor, outside the city (Große Burgstraße) or
In front of the the University of Music (Große Petersgrube/An der Obertrave)
ca. 1,5 Stundenstarting from € 129.00 (2-10 persons)

Guided tour of the month
A special guided tour on selected topics is offered once a month and you have the opportunity to discover Lübeck from different perspectives. If you are interested in an English guided tour with one of the listed topics you can make an individual appointment for your group. 

DatesParticipantsDurationCost per group
On requestmax. 25 persons1,5 Stundenstarting from € 85.00 (1-8 persons)
starting from € 100.00 (9-25 persons) 

Guided tours in historical costume
Go on a journey of discovery through Lübeck. Listen to and experience astonishing stories of the changing city guides in historical.

Dates 2024DurationCost per group
On requestapprox. 1,5 hours€ 135,- (1-25 persons)

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