Bread rolls from regional partner company

The restaurant Fangfrisch gets its rolls from a regional partner, the Mühlenbäckerei bakery. There they only use organic corn and even cultivate their own grain. The bakery has its own mill for the production of flour. They use semi-baked rolls which are stored refrigerated to minimise waste. Guests of the restaurant are thus guaranteed freshly baked rolls made from regional, organic ingredients.
Located at the swing bridge and overlooking the Museum Harbour, Fangfrisch offers tasty fish dishes, fish rolls and wine from the region. This novel concept wins over customers with its ingenious creations, regional ingredients and its fair business concept towards employees and nature. The guiding principle here is from and with the sea. That’s why at Fangfrisch, they take great care to act as sustainably as possible. Fish from environmentally-friendly closed loop systems, fish species that are not endangered and the use of regional products – these are just some of the ways in which a fish restaurant can take responsibility.